When Game Night with a 5-Year-Old Doesn’t Go as Planned If you’ve ever sat down for family game night with a 5- or 6-year-old, you probably know exactly where this story is going. I’ve been there myself. You have all these grand expectations of how perfect the night will be—laughter, bonding, maybe a little friendly […]
9 Benefits of Martial Arts for Kids with Learning and Attention Issues Exercise is great for every kid. But children with learning and attention issues can have a hard time finding a sport or physical activity that suits them. They may not have the social or physical skills to participate on a team. They may […]
Nothing feels better than knowing you can take care of yourself mentally, financially, and physically. However for a lot of people, the physical part is just exercise. Being able to protect yourself in all situations is a confidence booster as much as it is a reassurance. A reassurance that can only be gained through any […]
If there’s one man who can be credited with popularizing karate, it’s Gichin Funakoshi. This account by Richard Kim looks at how the shotokan founder went from sickly boy to respected master. From Black Belt Magazine: https://blackbeltmag.com/shotokan-karate-creator If there’s one man who can be credited with popularizing karate, it’s Gichin Funakoshi. Gichin Funakoshi was born […]
Won’t karate make my child violent? The quick answer is NO! We do get asked this question pretty often. REASON #3: Our age appropriate programs increase the “feel good” chemicals, dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorphines. This can actually help improve chemical balances in the brain. Our brand of martial arts for our 3 to 14 […]
A New Year or new school year arrives, lofty resolutions are set. Anything from working out daily to saving money to making all A’s to losing weight, our society knows how to dream big! However, when big dreams aren’t broken down into smaller, achievable goals, failure often ensues. And to make matters worse, our children […]
Did you know your pre-schooler’s (age 3-4) stage of development can be summed up by PIES? No we’re not talking about yummy pecan, blueberry or apple pie. We are actually talking about Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Social Development of children through martial arts. Get it P…I….E….S…..:) At American Family Martial Arts we understand and work […]
Physical Development in children ages 3 & 4 using martial arts. PIES? No we’re not talking about yummy pecan, blueberry or apple pie. We are actually talking about Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Social Development of children through martial arts. Get it P…I….E….S…..:) Children between the ages of 3 and 4-years old are in a very […]
What are the Stages of Development? Youngsters ages 7-9 Basically, stages of development are the stages in which children learn and grow Physically, Intellectually, Emotionally, and Socially (PIES). A great way to remember these 4 categories is by spelling out the first letter of each word. Breaking down the way children learn and grow in […]
Teenagers -we’re going to talk about stages of development in teenagers today. Basically, it is the stages in which children learn and grow Physically, Intellectually, Emotionally, and Socially (PIES). Breaking down the way children learn and grow in these four categories can help both parents and instructors of martial arts understand what is going on. […]
If your child has expressed an interest in learning martial arts, then the first thing you need to do is find a great martial arts school. There are many karate schools in the Baton Rouge and Prairieville areas which may meet your needs, but there are plenty of details to consider before making a decision. […]
Holiday Parenting: Keeping the Joy Alive The hustle and bustle of the holiday season, this year, maybe a little less intense but, no doubt, still exciting. While holiday parties may be missing from our typical December schedules, the pandemic can’t stop the spirit of the season! Decorating the house, wrapping gifts, and baking goodies will […]
This month American Family Martial Arts’ students will study the character word: TRUSTWORTHY. People that are trustworthy have a reputation for being honest, responsible, and reliable. When a child is considered trustworthy, there are many benefits. People tend to treat trustworthy children better and provide them with more opportunities from learning to leading which consistently […]
There are five newly ranked black belts in Louisiana. And each one is a unique individual that shows there is not such thing as “typical” black belt. On Sunday, Oct 25, five students from American Family Martial Arts were promoted to 2nd or 3rd degree black belts at a small ceremony held at Frank’s Restaurant […]
The Benefits of SKILLZ Martial Arts for 5 & 6-Year-Olds Children between the ages of 5 and 6 years are in the “dynamo” stage of development. They are now at a point where basic skills become the foundation for their continued growth and development. At American Family Martial Arts, we call them Little Ninjas. Martial […]
As people age, they often look for meaningful ways to stay active and make the most of their time. For seniors, having extra time in retirement can be a great opportunity to explore new interests or revisit old ones. Some may take on part-time work, while others dive into hobbies they didn’t have time for […]
Each year, the American Heart Association celebrates Heart Month to bring attention to heart disease and heart health. What many might not realize is that martial arts offer some incredible benefits for heart health, making it an excellent way to improve cardiovascular fitness. Here are several ways martial arts classes at American Family Martial Arts […]
Every month during our karate classes at American Family Martial Arts, we focus on a life skill. This month’s life skill is patience. Definition: The ability to endure waiting or delay without becoming annoyed or upset, to persevere calmly when faced with difficulties; the ability to tolerate being hurt, provoked, or annoyed without complaint or […]
KICK CHALLENGE JULY 2020 We’re having a KICK Challenge at American Family Martial Arts. For the next 30 days, practice your kicks everyday. Once a week, do a 30 SECOND challenge & write down your results on the KICK card (for the PDF file see your email or the document section of website) We […]
Does karate promote violence? Will my teen learn self-defense skills? How likely is my teen to get injured while doing martial arts? These are only a few of the questions many parents have when they consider signing their teen up for karate lessons. Karate, like other forms of martial arts, can be really good for […]
You’ve probably heard of Tae Kwon Do. Maybe even Kung Fu. What in the world is Tang Soo Do martial arts? American Family Martial Arts practices a style of karate called Tang Soo Do. It is a Korean form of martial arts or karate. Karate generally refers to a Japanese based style of martial arts. […]
Martial arts classes for children can be incredibly valuable for a child’s physical and mental development. While the benefits are significant, some kids may find their first martial arts class very intimidating. The first step in preparing your child for their first martial class is to take your time to find the right school and […]
GAME-BASED LEARNING The Benefits of Game-Based Learning for 3-4-year-olds Play is often overlooked as a learning tool for children. Dictionary.com defines play as “engaging in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose.” It is seen as a type of “free time” when nothing else important is happening. However, this couldn’t […]
Age-Specific Curriculum: What It Really Means The term “age-specific” is used very often in education and healthcare. It has a very definite meaning and is used to describe things that are prepared specifically for the age of the child it is targeting. However, this term is often used more loosely, especially in the martial arts […]
For years, parents and teachers have been faced with the dreaded summer slide, a time when the school year ends and summer learning loss begins. And as if it wasn’t detrimental enough in it’s own rights, this year the summer slide has been accelerated by the COVID slide and trauma related to the pandemic. The […]
Why You and Your Kids Should Do Karate—It Fights Anxiety, Prevents Bullying and More written by Parade magazine For most people, the word karate conjures up images of martial arts flicks and Ralph Macchio’s famous tournament-winning Crane kick. But for those who practice the ancient discipline, it’s about so much more. “It’s a mind, body […]
How to Throw a Punch Without hurting yourself more than your opponent. Popular Science | David Nield It takes technique to land a blow without hurting yourself. Photo from Pexels. The punching-bag game at the arcade or county fair always looks so tempting. After all, punching seems like the easiest thing in the world: You […]
Goal Setting: this month’s life skill Unleashing Your Child’s Potential through Goal Setting Goal setting is one of the most highly linked characteristics to the success that individuals have. Top athletes and successful people all use goal setting. And while it is a trait that is most often associated with adolescents and adults, younger children […]
The #1 thing we hear parents wish for their child – more confidence! Every month during our karate classes at American Family Martial Arts, we focus on a life skill and self confidence is an important one. Those who have self-confidence tend to be more content with life. They bounce back faster from challenges; they […]
Building a Better Future for Our Community through Martial Arts Helping the community has always been important to the husband and wife team at American Family Martial Arts. Since Michael and Jacky Tullier began operating schools in 1994, they have always made an effort to participate in their local community and to give back. So […]
The benefits of Skillz Martial Arts for Preschool Kids There are millions of children participating in Martial Arts. That statistic is rapidly growing at 15% per year according to leading child experts. The reason why is because parents across the globe are recognizing all of the amazing benefits that the Martial Arts has to offer […]
I enjoy sports and [am] a martial arts enthusiast says Vanessa Bell. My 7-year-old son has been training in martial arts for 3 years. The benefits of karate for kids includes great characteristics and life lessons and I recommend the various practices to anyone I chat with. During this time, I’ve also watched young girls […]
#1 We require it Master Tullier has been teaching and owning a karate school for over 20 years. He’s seen a lot of sparring in his days and competed at MANY tournaments. One thing he knows for certain -sparring gear protects both the fighter AND the opponent. And it’s required by our insurance company. […]
One of the most important things that you can do as a parent is establish a connection with your child. In fact, children need connection more than anything else. What do we mean by connection? It’s having a relationship with your child. Not being their best friend but rather having real conversations with him or […]
Teachers and researchers sometimes refer to the loss of intellectual skills during the summer as “brain drain.” During the summer, kids often spend little time reinforcing academic learning or they are just inactive playing video games or watching tv. Did you know that keeping kids active in programs like Martial Arts classes and camps can […]
#1 Martial Arts Tournaments help you overcome your fears One of the hallmarks of a mature martial artist is the ability to stay calm in a stressful (or even life-threatening) situation. Tournaments are a way to train for that in a non-life threatening manner. First, when you perform, you’ll likely have dozens of people watching. […]
It’s American Family Martial Arts fun new School’s Out Camp -this time for Mardi Gras! Join us for our fun filled all day (or 2 days) camp. Kids play fun games like ninja museum, ninja says, relay tic-tack-toe; capture the flag and lots of other fun games. And featuring our newest game-LAVA FLOOR! We’ll also […]
This month at American Family Martial Arts our students are studying the character word: SELF-DISCIPLINE. Parents and teachers both overwhelmingly agree that self-discipline is one of the most important skills anyone can have – yet relatively few believe they’ve been successful at helping their own children demonstrate it. However, it goes without saying that children […]
REGISTRATION IS OPEN! If your child loves playing Fortnight then get them out of the house for some LIVE ACTION BATTLE ROYALE. Everyone starts with a pool noodle! Outwit and outlast everyone to find their nerf gun. ALL begin, only 1 wins! I mean kids beating each other with pool noodles! It doesn’t get […]
Join us for our fun filled all day camp. Kids play fun games like ninja museum, ninja says, relay tic-tack-toe; capture the flag and lots of other fun games. We’ll also have a chill out area where they can watch a movie, play board games or just watch the games being played. Sometimes, everyone needs […]
I can’t tell you how many times I have a parent tell me, “Little Suzie’s grades are falling, so I’m taking karate away.” It’s frustrating for me as an instructor because I KNOW how much good martial arts does for a child. Increased discipline, respect and confidence are just a few of the benefits. While […]
You’ve heard of Elf on the Shelf? Maybe he (or she?) visits your house every Christmas? Well the martial arts world has NIGEL THE NINJA. This mischievous fellow lives with us all year long! Nigel the Ninja is on a mission to learn more about martial arts and complete his training. To do that, he […]
5 TIPS for staying safe and having fun during Halloween Halloween is such a fun time of the year for children (and some adults); but when children encounter tricks instead of treats, this holiday can become very scary – and not just because of the decorations and frightening costumes. Abductions, bullying, candy that has been […]
October is National Bully Defense month. At American Family Martial Arts we include this in our lesson plans with the life skill of integrity. This particular skill is vital for children’s social development. Without integrity, children break promises, lie, and have no concern for others. Integrity means to adhere to moral and ethical principles, and […]
Back to School Tips for Parents Summertime has come to an end, and with that comes all of the back to school anxiety and jitters that are common among children. Your child may experience common physical effects of anxiety associated with back to school time including symptoms from stomachaches to sleeping problems. They can also […]
I wanted to share some great tips on the Parent SKILLZ word: PROMPTING. At American Family Martial Arts we believe in the “family” part of our name. And sometimes we all need a new idea or way to look at things in this hard job called parenting. Setting your child up for daily successes is […]
This month at American Family Martial Arts your child will be learning about the Life Skill TEAMWORK. There are so many areas in life where teamwork is important. Teamwork is not something that is easy to teach but it is something that needs to be taught early to ensure proper development. Definition: cooperative […]
If you have kids of different ages, then you know how challenging it can be to find things to do as a group. What excites your 10-year-old daughter is likely to bore your 7-year-old son – and vice versa. There’s one exception that the instructors of American Family Martial Arts know of – and that’s […]
As well as increasing physical fitness and mental health, martial arts can boost brain cognition too written by Ashleigh Johnstone for The Conversation We are all aware that exercise generally has […]
This month at American Family Martial Arts, your child will be learning about the Life Skill of SHARING. A simplistic explanation of sharing is “some for you and some for me.” For many children, it is difficult for them to see the other end of sharing: how others benefit from our act of sharing. In […]
Sure you’ve heard of a Grand Opening. That’s when a new business has a great big opening-balloons, celebrities, politicians and maybe even clowns! So what is a Grand Re-Opening? Well, it’s almost the same. The difference is it’s probably still the same people or maybe the same location, the business is just announcing a huge […]
TRY A KARATE BIRTHDAY PARTY!! Here at American Family Martial Arts, we know how to throw the best birthday parties. With over 20 years of experience, we know how to keep kids moving and having fun. And best of all (for parents), we do all the work, so you don’t have to. Your child’s karate […]
Karate is more than kicking and punching these days. Martial arts is about self improvement and benefits. Physical Fitness The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says only 1 in 5 adults meet physical activity guidelines set to improve wellbeing. Although different martial arts vary in the levels of rigorous physical activity, nearly all of […]
Those who practice martial arts understand that their training is much more than the technique behind a kick or a punch. Martial arts is not so dissimilar from other sports in that it requires dedication, discipline, hard work, and integrity to succeed. In addition to these virtues, training in martial arts also helps build a […]
The Ultimate New Years Resolution The New Year is here, and with thousands of goals and resolutions in sight as well, 2018 is the year you should try something new! Martial arts is an established system that can better the entirety of your being. Whether you need mental benefits like furthering your discipline, muscle, physical […]
Five Important Tips to Help You Prepare For Your Next Rank Testing Testing day is not only an opportunity to be evaluated, but is also a day of performance. Your instructor’s goal is to determine whether or not you have mastered sufficient material during your current rank to advance to the next level. Your goal […]
This article is by Melody Johnson, who is the creator and founder of the SKILLZ program. The American Family Martial Arts programs for ages 3&4 years old (Tiny Tigers), ages 5 & 6 years old (Little Ninjas), ages 7-9 years old (Core) and ages 10-14 (Extreme) utilize. As parents, we want what’s best for […]
Are you ready to find out if you can be a martial arts champion? Yes? Then get ready for PKSA Karate’s October Fist Tournament on Oct 21? For the 2nd year, PKSA Karate is holding a local tournament. Last year the PKSA Karate Louisiana region hosted it’s first tournament in 10 years called the September […]
PKSA Karate’s exciting Scavenger Hunt is today, Aug 19. This creative fundraiser features over 75 clues and is using Instagram to record the points. Teams of up to four are competing to get the most points during a 2 hour time limit. They race around town taking pictures of various hints: someone wearing a red […]
What are the best sports for kids with ADHD? By Leonard Pollack, M.D. Getting children involved with sports offers plenty of benefits, including physical exercise, development of social skills and even boosted self-esteem. But do all sports offer the same level of benefit for children who have attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)? A common condition, ADHD affects more […]
American Family Martial Art’s annual Little Ninja camp finished up last week (July 17-21. 2017). Depending on the day, there were 16 Ninjas playing, painting or learning new things. They made ninja masks and on superhero day dressed in costume and got a visit from some real super heros!! The Prairieville Fire Department. American Family […]
Hey the American Family Martial Arts ninja here Did you know that keeping kids active in programs like karate classes and camps can actually improve their ability to do well when returning to school? Unfortunately, sometimes these camps and classes are an afterthought. But at American Family Martial Arts summer camps they are not! We […]
Holiday shopping can be a thrill or simply a chore. But it should never be something you are scared to do. Adding a little self-defense mentality can go a long way to protecting yourself. Self Awareness You have society on your side. Potential criminals (for the most part) won’t just obnoxiously run up to you […]