Nothing feels better than knowing you can take care of yourself mentally, financially, and physically. However for a lot of people, the physical part is just exercise. Being able to protect yourself in all situations is a confidence booster as much as it is a reassurance. A reassurance that can only be gained through any form of self defense classes. Today, when people think about self defense classes, they tend to think about women and children. However, self defense classes are for everyone: women, men and children. At American Family Martial Arts, we provide self defense information not only during regular classes but hold self defense community classes during the year.
Here are 9 reasons why self defense is more than punching and kicking.
#1 It builds confidence
One of the biggest advantages to taking women’s self defense classes is the way it makes you feel afterwards. A lot of people lack confidence with their abilities to protect themselves before they take classes. This can be due to personal experiences, as well as driven by the news. We hear a lot about the negativity in our society, and this can leave people feeling unprotected. Self defense classes will build confidence in yourself by teaching you to be strong, increasing your physical strength and showing you ways to defend yourself. One of the funn-est ways we build confidence is board breaking.
#2 It works on your balance
Let’s face it, some of us can’t walk and chew gum at the same time. These types of classes require a lot out of your body, including the ability to do two things at once without falling over. Improving your balance also means improving focus. Karate and self defense classes teach you how to focus on your target while you control your body. Without balance it is almost impossible to fight. Through gaining your body control and balance, you will be better prepared to protect yourself. Any exercise can and will improve your physical health but martial arts has extra benefits which you can learn about here.
#3 It helps develop self-discipline
“The only discipline that lasts, is self-discipline.” -Bum Phillips.
In order to learn and grow with your self defense abilities, you have to develop self-discipline. You have to be motivated and dedicated to the practice. In order to be better protected-you have to keep practicing. Actually going to class and showing up on a regular basis develops discipline. Taking these types of classes will get you focused on your personal protection and on your surroundings. Like with any other sport, you can’t get better if you don’t practice. At American Family Martial Arts, we believe that self defense should be ongoing practice and have started offering 4 week courses. As Master Tullier says “you need to develop muscle memory which you can’t do in a yearly one time women’s self defense class.”
Related article: Developing self discipline

#4 It helps improve your physical strength
The whole point of self defense classes is to prepare you for any situation that may bring harm to you. Physical conditioning is extremely important when it comes to self defense. Training and practicing prepares you for the adrenaline dump when a situation arises that may require you to fight. It’s your body’s way of responding to the fight or flight situation. This is good as it gives you added strength & awareness but you do have to know what to do with the energy. It only last a few seconds, so you need to be physically conditioned to appropriately deal with a dangerous situation. Physical conditioning will work on your reflexes and your awareness of an attack. When you are fighting it is important to be focused both mentally and physically.
#5 It teaches you self-respect
The practice of karate, and many other practices like it, are centered around trust and respect. It teaches respect of each other, and respect for yourself. If you don’t respect yourself, then how can you respect others? When you are practicing your self defense moves you will be practicing with a partner. There needs to be mutual trust between the two of you to not hurt each other, but still practice well. Karate is well known for increasing respect -both of yourself and others. RELATED ARTICLE: Why you and your kids should do karate.
#6 It helps to develop a warrior spirit
We all watch the news and see how terrible it can be. Taking self defense classes will help you develop a warrior spirit. We all know that if we are attacked, the last thing we want to do is get in that van of our assailant. Self defense classes can prepare you for battle and, most importantly, survival. If you are attacked, you don’t want to go to a secondary location, and having self defense on your side will help prevent that from happening. You will have a sense of “I am going to survive here, not down the road.”
#7 It will help you with goal setting
Self defense classes help you to set goals. Whether you want to nail a specific move, or work hard to feel like you can protect yourself, you are setting a goal. It gets you back in class each week, and will help you in your everyday life. It helps you develop a drive that you may not have had before. If you take your goal setting seriously within your self defense classes, it can roll over into your everyday life, helping you get through any tough situation that comes your way.
#8 It has a positive influence on your life
Unlike a lot of things in life, taking self defense classes will always have a positive impact on your life. Each and every one of the reasons above are proof of this. Taking self defense classes can boost your spirits and make you a more confident and better version of yourself. It’s important to have things in life that we can rely on to make us happy- taking these kinds of classes does just that.
#9 It’s FUN!!
Check out American Family Martial Arts social media pages for upcoming classes! OR send an email to ninjas(AT) for more information.