This month at American Family Martial Arts, your child will be learning about the Life Skill of SHARING. A simplistic explanation of sharing is “some for you and some for me.” For many children, it is difficult for them to see the other end of sharing: how others benefit from our act of sharing.
In this month’s life skill, we are going to break down the many reasons why it is important to share and how people on both sides benefit. Parents can help by reinforcing sharing at home. Below are some helpful tips on sharing:
Model sharing and giving. Our children take notice of our actions. Here are Top 10 sharing tips from An imporant one is #9: sharing doesn’t come naturally to children. Be gentle and calm, let them grow into sharing.
Recognize your child’s spontaneous gesture of sharing. Praise can be more effective than a lecture.
Start a dialogue at the dinner table on how they can share their possession, feelings and time.
- Check out our Pinterest board for more sharing ideas: Parenting and Life
Thank you for your support and American Family Martial Arts looks forward to watching our students build the skill of SHARING.
American Family Martial Arts Instructors